Officer Roles and Responsibilities
* Is responsible for ensuring the growth, security, and integrity of the club.
* Sets the direction of the club in conjunction with the officers and club members
* Shall preside at all meetings of the club.
* Shall have the power to call special meetings of the club and cause the Secretary to make a record of such meetings.
* Shall have the power to amend, update and change rules and bylaws if and when required to ensure the smooth running of the club for the good of all
officers and members
Vice President
* Ensures club integrity and direction is maintained in conjunction with the President
* At the request of the President or in the event of the President's absence: Shall perform the duties and possess and exercise all powers of the President.
* Shall assume the office of the President in the event the office of the President is vacated for more than 30 days without any contact from the President
* Shall be responsible for sending and receiving official club correspondence at the direction of the President
* Shall at the request of the President give adequate notice of all special and general membership meetings.
Sergeant at Arms
* Shall enforce all rules at all club functions.
* Shall be available to intervene in the event a member needs assistance
* Shall ensure adequate security is available at all club functions
* Shall warn in a private message any member or visitor in the event of inappropriate behavior or local conversation and is accountable for
appropriate removal of a said person if the behavior continues
* Shall report said issue to President or VP along with SS if needed
* Shall be in charge of Enforcers and train them on security and conduct.
* Shall assume the office of the VP in the event the office of the President is vacated for more than 30 days without any contact from the President
* Shall be the deputy to the SA assisting in enforcing all club rules and security
* Shall enforce all rules at all club functions.
* Shall be available to intervene in the event a member needs assistance
* Shall ensure adequate security is available at all club functions
* Shall warn in a private message any member or visitor in the event of inappropriate behavior or local conversation and is accountable for
appropriate removal of a said person if the behavior continues
* Shall report said issue to SA along with SS if needed
* Shall assume the office of the SA in the event the office of the President is vacated for more than 30 days without any contact from the President
and will install a new AK as soon as possible from the ranks of ENF
* Shall be responsible for sending and receiving official club correspondence at the direction of the President or VP
* Shall keep a record of the names of all members and prospects of the club.
* Shall keep membership records in alphabetical order.
* Shall keep, get approval, and post the minutes of all club meetings.
* Shall at the request of the President give adequate notice of all special and general membership meetings.
Recruiting Officer
*Responsible for recruiting efforts of the club
*Accountable for ensuring all prospects and new club members are fully acclimated to the club
*Ensure new prospects have cut, are aware of rules, have added banners and members to their profiles and friend's lists, and are aware of in world club chat,
as well as assists in setting up a Skype account and adding members to the family chat
*Communicates directly to Pres and VP/SA regarding prospects
Club Manager
*Shall plan club events organize the 50/50 trivia and send out winners’ emails
*Shall work with other members to ensure club events go smoothly organizing staff for trivia and DJ schedules at all events
any events staff report directly to the CM
*Shall work with sponsors and seek out new sponsors for club events
*Shall work directly under the Sergeant of Arms or if not available the AK
*Will ensure the safety of Club Officers & Members
*Will enforce club rules at club functions
*Will be ready to intervene if a club member needs it.
*Will provide security at club functions
*Will warn in a private message any member or visitor in the event of inappropriate behavior at events
*Will report ALWAYS to the SA any incidents and provide complete screenshots of incidents ASAP. If SA is not available Enforcer will report to AK
*Will not boot anyone from events without the prior permission of the SA/AK if they are not available to the PREZ or VP