President: Pres_Wolf_WPMC (Founder)
Vice President: VP_JamieTS_WPMC
Sgt. Of Arms: SA_Karen_WPMC
Secretary: Sec_
Treasurer: WPMC_Admin
Enforcer: ENF_Taz_WPMC
Enforcer: ENF_REDD _ WPMC
Road Captain: RC_Tom_WPMC
Recruiting Officer: RO_Gayle_WPMC
Club Manager: CM_Rose_WPMC (Founder)
Skylar_WPMC (not active)
Kaira_WF_WPMC (not active)
Sierra_WF_WPMC (not active)
Henry_WPMC (not active)
Ivy_Kiss_WPMC (not active)
Honorary Members
Interested in Prospecting?
Click the top of this
button to inquire

Rest In Peace
Forever in our Hearts
Never Forgotten
Ride Free Brother
1. Drama - The MC is a drama-free MC. NO DRAMA WILL BE TOLERATED.
If you have an issue please bring it to the SA. The first offense of drama brings a warning, the second will result in formal discipline which may include returning you to prospect or suspending your club membership as the SA, VP and/or President see fit. Commit a third offense and you will lose your cut.
Enforcers will handle any external conflict or issues If enforcers are unable to resolve the issue it will be sent up the chain of command to be addressed. For this instance the chain of command will be as follows… AK, SA, VP, PRESIDENT. Whichever officer receives a complaint and handles a conflict or issue will be sure to take screenshots of all conversations and report directly to the VP & President. ALL internal issues will be reported directly to the SA. If the SA is unable to resolve the issue it will be sent to the VP to handle, then to the President if VP is unable to resolve the issue.
2. Respect- It is expected that all members conduct themselves in a respectful manner when attending any event in RLC. REMEMBER YOU ARE REPRESENTING WPMC AT ALL TIMES. If it is brought to the attention of an officer that you are not being respectful you will be requested to stop the offending behavior immediately with possible repercussions if you do not.
Respect for other WPMC members. Every member will show respect to their Brothers and Sisters in the WPMC. Any internal issues will be handled as lined out in item #1. You may not like everyone in your MC but you will show them respect as fellow members.
3. Friends, Ignore & Profile- Every member will add all other members of WPMC to their friends list. You may not ignore any fellow member without specific permission from the VP and/or President. No active member will disable their profile without an explanation to the VP or President first. Failure to do so will cost you club membership. We don’t want to interfere with your private life but need to know if you aren’t going to be active.
4. Prospects - All prospects must go through the club officers for approval and will be required to acknowledge and agree to all club rules through email or skype message before their prospect period begins. PROSPECTS ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR THEIR PROSPECT CUT AT ALL MC EVENTS WHETHER WPMC OR OTHER MC EVENTS. Your cut identifies you as WPMC and you should wear it proudly and treat it with the utmost respect. All prospects will have a minimum 2-week prospecting period. At the end of the 2 weeks, an official vote will be called to patch the prospect into the MC. If the officers do not feel the prospect is ready to be patched into the MC additional prospecting time may be allotted to the prospect before they are voted to become a full member. During the prospecting time frame, the prospect is expected to add all MC members to their friends' list and make an effort to get to know all MC members as well as spend time with the MC at various events. Prospects will be required to post blogs with club rules, add the WPMC tag, and will be added to skype chats once they are voted to full member status. Skype is not required but is encouraged. Exceptions to prospecting such as patch-overs must have the approval of the VP and President.
5. Cuts - Cuts are expected to be worn at all MC events Rallies, Road Trips, and Clubhouses.
On Special Occasions the President, VP, or SA may make the call to waive the wearing of cuts. If the President, VP, or SA are unavailable then cuts should be worn to any MC event. Disciplinary actions may be taken for multiple infractions of this rule AGAIN… Your cut identifies you as WPMC. You should wear it proudly and treat it with the utmost respect.
6. Voting - All patched members will be notified when a vote is to be taken to patch a prospect. All members should use this notice as the time to voice any concerns or issues regarding the prospect that might warrant further prospect time or a NO vote. All members are expected to respond in a timely manner when notified a vote will be happening. Once all concerns or issues have been voiced then the officers will take the vote on whether to patch the prospect or not.
Officers Voting is a Yes/No vote and will be done in the Officers skype chat. With any “No” vote an explanation must be sent to the President or Vice President as to why you are voting no. All votes pass with a simple Majority rule and all ties will be decided by the President
7. Meetings - Church will be the 1 day of every month at 6 pm EST.
All patched members are required to attend the meeting unless they have a legitimate reason for not attending and have obtained permission to miss the meeting from the President or the VP. This needs to be done through skype message or profile email with as much advance notice as possible. If there is an emergency meeting, notifications will be sent to each member to attend if at all possible. The SEC will post notices of all meetings in skype chats, will send individual email notifications, and will be noting attendance at the meetings and taking the minutes. Failure to attend meetings may result in disciplinary action for multiple instances with no valid reason or advanced approval. There will be a 2-week notice concerning Meetings.
8. Chats - All members when logged into RLC are required to join the MC chat in the world.
The chat is /join WPMC. If you are working an RLC job and need to leave chat for a while, let a senior officer know. All Officers and event staff will be required to join a separate chat when in world. That will be furnished in the Officer's chat in skype.
9. Nothing that is discussed in any MC chat, or any MC business, shall be discussed with anyone outside of the MC. NO EXCEPTIONS… IF THIS HAPPENS YOUR CUT WILL BE PULLED IMMEDIATELY. CLUB BUSINESS IS CLUB BUSINESS… PERIOD
10. In the event a member decides to leave.. A written explanation is expected. This needs to be sent to the President or VP either in skype or profile email. Please think before you act. Failure to resign respectfully will result in you being barred from ever rejoining. Most issues can be resolved with a discussion so don’t lose your temper and make a rash decision you may regret